Decision Quality

The Fundamentals of Decision Quality

Does your organization consistently make good decisions? How do you know?

As a leader in your organization, you must demonstrate that your decisions are of high quality. You also must assess the quality of decisions, and the decision-making processes, of the teams you lead. And you must ensure that good decisions are made as fast as possible given their importance, complexity, and risk to the organization. How do you do that today?

Decision quality (DQ) is a highly effective methodology that has been proven in over 35 years of application in large organizations. It improves decision-making in the face of both organizational and analytical challenges. The DQ framework, process, and tools help organizations to significantly outperform competitors.

DQ helps leaders and enterprise teams work together to:

DQ provides a common language across the enterprise for decision-making, enabling team communication to be clearer, more efficient and less prone to mistakes and misunderstandings.

DQ is applied to both fast-turnaround decisions and major strategic decisions that may require data gathering, analysis and review:

The Decision Appraisal Cycle:

Quick checks, to confirm that the six elements of Decision Quality are present

Decision Quality (DQ) provides the defining framework for a good decision. It is an extension of decision science and in particular, of Decision Analysis (DA) – a set of concepts and tools that produce clarity about the best choice in an uncertain and dynamic environment. 
DQ not only uses DA to get to the “right” answer, but also engages the most important parties in the decision process to achieve alignment and commitment to action.

  1. Setting the right frame
  2. Considering alternatives
  3. Gathering meaningful data
  4. Clarifying values and trade-offs
  5. Logically correct reasoning
  6. Commitment to action

All high-quality decisions meet six requirements.

Focusing on each element of this rational decision-making model and involving the right people at the right time in the right way make it possible to create significant value and avoid mistakes that erode value. On the other hand, a lack of DQ leads to decision failures: failed strategies, wasted capital in investment decisions, recycling of decisions, blaming, and witch hunts.

Decision Dialogue Process (DDP)

An Efficient, Collaborative Approach to Decision-Making

A formal process for structuring complex decision-making in large enterprises that engages the right people at the right time. The DDP charts a path from an opaque situation to a clear choice and efficient implementation and allows different parts of the organization develop an understanding of their varied roles and perspectives.

DQ Book

To learn more about the fundamentals of Decision Quality, we recommend the book "Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions".

Our Podcast

Listen to our podcast "Decide Like a True Leader" with Dr. Carl Spetzler and discover more about the six elements of Decision Quality.

DQ in 5 minutes!

Discover Decision Quality in under 5 minutes! Watch Dr. Carl Spetzler's quick introduction and make better decisions today.

Our Offerings

Strategic Decisions Group provides training and direct support to improve the quality of organizational decision-making, whether it’s support for one-off, major strategic decisions that will have lasting and irreversible impactor in bringing overall cultural change for the long term.

Executive coaching and support

Decision quality courses and training, online, on site, or both

Advanced training and tools for inhouse decision professionals

Direct strategic decision project support

Organizational design and change management focused or decision processes


Download resources from the Decision Quality book. Some of the more popular tools described in Decision Quality are available at no charge from Strategic Decisions Group. Download these resources to incorporate these valuable tools into your decision process. Make your next decision your best.

Decision Quality Chain

The overall quality of a decision can be no better than the weakest of these six requirements.

Decision Quality Slider Scale

Rate each of the six requirements on a scale of 0 to 100 for insight into where additional improvement is necessary.

Dialogue Decision Process

The Dialogue Decision Process guides decision makers to a quality decision, avoiding biases and creating alignment and commitment along the way.

Decision Maker's Rights

Every decision maker has the right to decision quality. Insist on a process that will support efforts to choose the alternative that creates the most value.

Decision Quality

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