How to Establish a Healthy Decision Culture

At the heart of any healthy corporate culture is a healthy decision culture. Clarity of purpose, transparency of process, and commitment to follow-through all confer a high degree of confidence in decision making at all levels of the organization.


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But beyond the obvious, there are dozens of dysfunctional behaviors that can undermine an organization’s decision culture. In a series of informal polls, we have demonstrated repeatedly that these dysfunctional practices show up across many different types of organizations, despite the fact that overcoming them would be extremely valuable.

Join this webinar to learn how to establish a healthy decision culture, including:

The dysfunctional behaviors that might signal your decision culture is in trouble

Tools to diagnose the current state of your decision culture

The most counterintuitive sign of a healthy decision culture

How to build the commitment that’s needed to improve your decision culture


Explore further insights from our experts by checking out our webinars.

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