The “agile” project management approach, which grew out of software development projects, features rapid iteration to communicate, integrate, and learn in order to achieve desired project results. In such a fast-paced decision process, is there room to ensure decision quality?
A central tenet of decision quality is that when facing uncertainty, we cannot judge a decision by its outcome. Instead, we look to the process used to arrive at the decision. In this webinar, our speakers tackle how to determine which kind of decision situation you are facing, select the fit-for-purpose decision process—agile or otherwise—and apply the requirements of DQ to give you the best chance of achieving your desired outcome.
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View this webinar to learn:
Whether the requirements of decision quality change for different kinds of decisions.
How to diagnose a decision situation and select the right decision-making approach.
How the rapid iteration of “agile” decision making differs from the approach used for big, irreversible, strategic decisions.
Explore further insights from our experts by checking out our webinars.